A Thousand Words

No words…
August 31, 2005, 4:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

There has been some sort of awful melancholy hovering over me today. I have been reading/watching/listening to the reports on Katrina as much as possible, and the images of destruction leaves me breathless. The stories of towns that are no longer, looting, unaccounted for loved ones and the recovery efforts leaves me speechless. And, I am merely watching this unfold from 2600 miles away. I couldn’t even imagine seeing these towns first hand. I would no doubt feel crushed…and would probably overwhelmingly feel like giving up. I am so thankful that the one person I know in that region is safe, but I can’t help but feel heartbroken for those poor souls who have been left with absolutely nothing.

I don’t know why I’m writing this entry, it’s just weighing so heavily on me for some reason. I feel so much sorrow from having watched the news reports most of the day and hearing how things aren’t getting better – rather, they are getting worse. I can’t shake the images of destruction and helpless people and feelings of desperation and hopelessness. While watching I couldn’t help but cry. Cry for the lives that have been lost. Cry for the people who have nowhere to go. Cry for those who don’t even know where to begin. Cry for realizing how selfish I am for getting upset over losing some stupid piece of jewelry, when these individuals lost everything. Cry because it is just simply heartbreaking.

I really have no words…just sorrow and prayers.

Workin’ nine to fiiiive
August 25, 2005, 4:27 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Half of our office is on vacation right now, and when there are only 8 people in my office, that’s quite significant. So, the three of us that are presently here have come to the conclusion that the next two days will suck because of pure boredom. Not that I mind really…I like sitting at my desk watching people walk by. I also thoroughly enjoy chatting online all day with hot babes and taking care of all of my banking needs. But, I’ve set a mini restriction on myself today. No internet tomfoolery (starting as soon as this is published) until my stack of work is DONE. That way I can be free and clear to do whatever my little web browsing heart desires. I also just remembered that I have a meeting with some Rep who has called me NONSTOP for the past week offering me his services. Printing services…that is.

Ahhh…this cube monkey’s, paper pushin’, insubordinate subordinate’s job is never done.

UPDATE: Forget all I said about trying to be a diligent worker. My coworkers have thwarted any and all previous plans at being productive. It began with a little inside information – or DRAMA – that ultimately led to me being thankful that I wouldn’t know the first thing to do if I wanted to embezzle money from the company. We then closed the office for a two hour lunch and have decided that we should just chill for the rest of the day and call it good.

I’m not really one to resist.

Yer Mom
August 11, 2005, 4:24 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s really a trip when you get to talk to your mom about dating. Especially when the child is giving the parental unit advice. My mom informed me she has started dating this guy from church – who I have known FOREVER. He’s a great guy and I know he’s had a crush on her for a while now. Who could blame him? She’s hot. And he’s a younger man…go mom! Anyway, my sis and I have been trying to tell her “Mom, he’s like totally into you!!” for quite some time. Looks like she’s finally listened. And, it’s a completely cutesy thing – they write little notes on the bulletins and pass them to eachother during the sermon. And no it does not bother me that my mom has gotten more dating action than me in the past 2 years… Not a little bit, not even at all.

I can’t wait until I fly home to surprise her for her birthday. She’s going to start crying for sure. Which reminds me…I need to finish her Mother’s Day turned into Birthday present.

I’ve decided I’m renting Harry and the Henderson’s this weekend. I love wickedly bad 80s movies…