A Thousand Words

Health Scare
April 30, 2006, 10:00 pm
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What a weekend. Well, really — what a Saturday.

So, I decided earlier in the week that it was time to give my hair a saucy new look for summer. I made an appointment at the beauty school for partial highlights and all over color. Anyway, about the same time in the week, I noticed I had a nail in my tire. Awesome. So, I had a game plan — because obviously, I always need one. I decided to drop my car off at the tire place and walk to my appointment.

Saturday rolls around… I dropped my car off at the tire guys at 8am and they said it’d take about 15 minutes to repair. I told them I’d be back in a couple of hours to pick her up.

On to the beauty school. Let me set this up for you a little. At the beauty school, there are about 10 instructors to help assist the students throughout the process, and they often come over in the middle of the process to check on things. Picture this: we’re 20 minutes into the appointment – half of my head is foiled for highlights and she’s starting to work on the other side. All of a sudden she goes, “Oh…um, I’ve got to…uhm, I’ll be right back.” I think, hmm that was kind of odd — but maybe she had a question. A couple minutes go by and I look up into the mirror and see her coming towards me with 2 instructors, talking amongst themselves. Okay. So, I’m sitting there and this instructor with a very thick accent looks at my head and says to me, “Has anyone ever told you about your scalp disease?” EXCUSE ME? “Yes, it looks like you have some some sort of scalp disease.” WHAT?! “Yes, do you have bats in your house?” BATS? No, I do not have bats in my house!! “No, PETS — do you have PETS in your house?” NO, I don’t have pets in my house EITHER! ” It looks like you have had some sort of bite and it is now infected.” WHAT — WHAT! (By this point a third instructor has come to examine me) So, I am terrified, and I ask — how is this possible? And, how has NO ONE ever brought this up before? “I’m sorry, but we’re not going to be able to continue to service you today. We’ll be right back.” They all leave. I sit in the chair, half foiled, freaking out silently, worry that I have some sort of skin disease — trying to figure out when I can get in to the doctor, desperately wanting to call my mom, trying NOT to cry, because what the hell? I HAVE A SCALP DISEASE? And, to top it off, I’m going to have to leave the salon with only HALF my head done?

5 Minutes pass. I see my girl walking back to me with FIVE instructors. OH DEAR GOD. They all stand around me, mumbling to themselves. They are poking at my head, tilting it about, examining the spot, and I am fairly certain every other patron in the salon thinks I have lice. It actually felt a whole lot like that episode of Friends where Ross had that thing on his bum and no one on the hospital staff can figure out what it is. Out of nowhere a SIXTH instructor comes by and says, “What’s going on?” “Oh, look at this discoloration she has on her scalp. We’re sure it’s a disease.” She looks at it. “Actually, that’s a birthmark, not a disease.” WHAT?! They all inspect it again. A few long seconds pass. They all begin to mumble together. “Oh, actually — now that you mention it you’re right – it’s not a disease. That really is a birthmark. Our mistake.” They all leave. My salon girl says, “Um….like, I’m really sorry about that.” YOU’RE SORRY ABOUT THAT?!!!! I was on the verge of tears, came to grips with the fact that I might have to have a portion of my head shaved, and wondered if the skin disease had already moved to other parts of my body.

By the end of the my appointment my anxiety level evened out a bit, and I felt pretty okay, but still a little emotionally scarred. After making the requisite new hair care product purchase, I stepped outside and took in a big breath of fresh air, happy to be disease free, and ready to pick Ness up.

As I walk up to the tire shop I see them pull Ness in. What the CRAP?! It’s NOON and they still haven’t fixed her? (Anxiety level quickly starting to spike.) I ask the guy at the counter what’s going on and he’s all, “Uhmm…I’m not sure, let me check.” He goes out, comes back in a few minutes later. “Well, ma’am. We fixed the tire that had the nail in it this morning. And as it sat out in our parking lot, the two front tires went flat and we HIGHLY advise you to replace them for your safety sake.” GREAT. Wonderful. Superb. Obviously I haven’t spent enough on my car lately and I was just looking for another thing to throw my wealth at.

Anywho, $200 later, Ness is ready to roll, and my hair looks fantastic. Thankfully, Sunday was nice. Relaxing, even.

So, that was my weekend. How was yours?

When bad crafts happen to good people.
April 25, 2006, 9:48 am
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Let me preface this post by saying two (2) things.
1.) I love my mom a LOT and she is the best mom you could ever ask for.
2.) I’m an anal perfectionist when it comes to crafting.

So, with that sad, let me continue. A while back I was in the scrapbook store and saw this candle with pictures on it and this word thing and I thought it would be a really cute thing to give my mom for Mother’s Day. I usually don’t like getting her just anything, so I try to come up with something creative. WELL, since día de la mamá is just around the corner, I figured I should get started on this little project. I had already bought the little frames for the pictures, and the little metal piece that said “mom”. All I had left to get was a candle, preferably oval, big enough to hold the frames and metal embellishment. No biggie, right? WRONG.

I figured if I went straight to Illuminations, I’d have a plethora of large oval and/or square candles to choose from, because after all, candles are what they do. Well, after 20 minutes of staring in disbelief at their complete lack of anything that came even remotely close to meeting my needs, I had to buy this big round grapefruit scented one that was tucked in the back of the store in the clearance section. Now, I have no idea if my mom likes the smell of grapefruit (God knows I hate it, and it’s stinking up our whole apartment) BUT…it was the only color that could match anything in my mom’s house and PLUS, I had no desire to go shopping around for any more candles.

So, I come home and lay out what I have to work with:

So, I start to piece it together and begin to realize that I hate the candle and I hate the way it looks and I don’t know if I should scrap the whole idea. Part of me is thinking that I might have to make my own freaking candle in order to have it turn out the way I want. Am I experienced in candle making? No. Would I even know where to start? No. Would I destroy the apartment if I tried? Yes.

At this point I sort of feel like I’m in kindergarten with my construction paper and macaroni noodles and Elmer’s paste trying to piece something together, and when I give it to my mom she’s going to say, “Oh, Mitchy I love it, it’s so cute.” When, really she’s probably thinking…”good thing she doesn’t live here anymore, and she’ll never know that I just put it away in the back room, and I’ll bring it out only when she comes to visit.”

I’m going to keep working on it I guess. Maybe throw in some ribbon or raffia. Raffia always makes things look better. But, seriously…right now “just anything” sounds like a pretty nice gift idea.

Two Lips
April 21, 2006, 2:46 pm
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Good morning, Vietnam blog world!!

Let me just say a couple of things before the big reveal.
1.) Krysten you can no longer participate in any guessing games on my blog. It ruins it for everyone else. 😉
2.) I am not that mysterious and neither is my blog, and I guess my surprises aren’t that hard to figure out.

So, without further adieu…YES – I did go see tulips bloom this weekend. Krysten, you’ve won yourself a one year free subscription to A Thousand Words for the first correct guess! Props to Beckster for also correctly guessing.

Anyway, some of you may be thinking…wow, tulips…fun. But, seriously – it was so beautiful! Fields and fields of vibrantness and wafting smells of flowers and ALSO it was like a mini road trip driving up there and it was such a gorgeous day. I even stopped at a few antique stores! (Hi, I’m now officially my mom.) I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday. Okay, maybe I could — but I still had a most wonderful time.

I weeded out some of the better pictures and put them in a new set on Flickr. Enjoy!

Secrets don’t make friends
April 21, 2006, 10:55 am
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I’d like to formally invite you all to the Friday dance that is happening in my head right now. I’d also like to formally beat up the person who brought in the donuts this morning. I thought they all knew sprinkled things were my kryptonite. It’s been a smidge over 2 hours, and I’ve yet to break down. Six hours to go – I’m sure it won’t be a problem.

This weekend I will be doing something I’ve wanted to do ever since I moved to the Pacific Northwest. This particular thing only happens ONCE A YEAR (for the entire month of April)! I’m not going to tell ya’ll (look I’m suddenly Southern) what it is though… not until after I’ve gone and been a part of it. Why, you ask? Well, because I’ve decided that this blog is not suspenseful enough and I’d like to shroud my blog in as much mystery as possible. Feel free to guess what it is — although I’m pretty sure you’ll never EVER guess. And, I promise if I end up just laying around all weekend and not doing this thing…I’ll fess up. ‘Cause that’s just the kind of girl I am.

Adult Swim
April 19, 2006, 9:31 pm
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You ever forget how much you love something? Last night I went to the pool to start training, and as soon as I walked in I felt happy and couldn’t believe how much I missed it. I’ve always loved the water, and even as a little kid it’s been an extremely calming thing for me.

So, last night I had to start out in the “easy” lane…I generally really dislike that lane because most people in it have those stupid kick boards — but, luckily enough, no one got all up in my face with them last night. I got pretty tired after only 10 laps, so I had to take a quick breather, and then got right back in there. I think I must have done somewhere between 30-35 laps total. It’s difficult for me to keep track after 10 — back off! I could definitely tell at the end I was getting into the groove of it, and hey…maybe in a week or so I’ll graduate to the “medium” lane. Here’s hoping!

Moving right along…I know my bro won’t read this — because the only time he uses the internet is to go on Ebay and purchase Redneck shirts, BUT, he is my older brother and I love him dearly so… HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL!!

I found two of my favorite pictures of both of us… Look at me, already rockin’ the ‘tude at age 2.

Hi, I’m on a diet and it sucks.
April 18, 2006, 2:20 pm
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I can do this because it’s my blog and no one can tell me what to do…so I’m going to whine and complain.

I started Weight Watchers again today — I know I said I was going to last week, but obviously that didn’t pan out. Anyway, I just finished my PLAIN, wheat pasta and raw broccoli for lunch and it blows, because obviously it wasn’t fulfilling (compared to say, something that is breaded, fried, and dipped in chocolate, complete with cream filling) and now I’m cranky because the only thing I have to “treat” myself to is a crappy orange. UGH.

Honestly, though — you’d think the last thing I’d want is some type of candy or anything, considering the fact that for the past 3 days I’ve been in some type of sugar induced coma due to my desire to finish off my entire Easter basket (as well as some of Heidi’s) before I got back on the wagon. It’s amazing how fast my body, desire and lust for chocolate coated things recovers from such an overdose.

AND…I have to exercise today. Hi, haven’t done that for about 3 weeks. I got sore from CLEANING MY ROOM. I am not kidding.

I’m going to go shove some Sugar free gum into my mouth to help ease the cravings.

Thanks for listening.

Munka Munka Burnin’ Love – OUT.

Four the love of memes.
April 17, 2006, 10:14 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Four places you have lived:
1. Henriette, Minnesota
2. Issaquah, WA
3. Seattle, WA
4. That is all.

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
3. The Office
4. The Golden Girls

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Southern Cal
2. Orlando, FL
3. Wa-wang Lake, Canada
4. Brainerd, MN

Four websites I visit daily:
1. CNN
2. Myspace
3. Flickr
4. Gmail

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Peperoni & Black Olive pizza
2. Grandma’s Spare Ribs
3. Mom’s Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Bed, obviously
2. Playing cards with my Grams
3. Somewhere tropical
4. With Patrick Dempsey

Four Hobbies you enjoy:
1. Photography
2. Interneting
3. Crafting
4. Spewing sarcasm

Four People you tag for this meme:
1. I’ve
2. always
3. hated
4. tag.

So fresh, so clean
April 15, 2006, 8:21 pm
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A mere 5 hours, 2 trash bags, 1 Goodwill bag, and lots of sweat & tears later — the room is finished. It’s almost like Extreme Apartment – one room – Makeover. There’s still a few things I could stand to part with, but I think I did extremely well for one day. I mean, I can only give away so much at one time.

One aspect of my life clutter free — CHECK.

Without further adieu, the after pic:

Doesn’t it just make you want to come visit?

P.S. Anyone else watch Little People, Big World? I can’t get enough!

April 15, 2006, 2:37 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This past week has been a little rough for me. I always feel like this after vacation — my routine has been completely thrown for a loop and I always find it extremely difficult to get back into my regular life.

This week feels especially bad, though. I think it’s because I don’t feel like my life is in order. Things are a mess all around me. I’m not generally what you would call a “neat” person…I can handle a little mess. But, today I think I’ve reached my boiling point — so to speak. I mean, look at my room. My room is actually cleaner than it was a few hours before this picture was taken. How do I function in there? I’m not sure.

So, I’ve decided to de-clutter my life. First, starting with the more obvious things like getting rid of all of this JUNK I have in my living area. I’ve been a life long pack rat — this may be difficult. After that I need to focus a little less on those things, and more on the other things that seem to be dragging me down…people, my own negative attitude, situations, etc., and fill my life with more things/people/attitudes/situations that benefit me, and when having them around…they don’t really add up to clutter at all.

First on the list — take down the Christmas decorations from the balcony.

Mixed Bag
April 14, 2006, 8:15 am
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Hey folks. I feel as if it is some sort of major accomplishment that I even made it to today. Seriously, this week has been killing me. Every morning this week when my alarm has gone off (hands down, worst sound in the world) I scream and actually feel a little like crying. Throughout the week, my caffiene intake has gradually increased as well. I usually just have a small cup of coffee in the morning — but today I had to opt for the big gulp size. Yes folks, that’s 24 ounces of peppermint white chocolate mocha streaming through my body right now. Sweet, sweet caffiene. Tomorrow I may actually just pour the coffee grounds directly into my mouth.

Anyway, not much else to report on the home front. I hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful Easter!

Oh…and here’s that little post thing about birthday months — stolen from Krysten and Jamie. Do yours here.


Loves to joke (could you BE any more right on?)
Attractive (Someone must think so)
Suave and caring (Caring, yes. Suave, no.)
Brave and fearless (I’m a little iffy on both of these things)
Firm and has leadership qualities (meh)
Knows how to console others (I think so. Heids might say otherwise)
Too generous and egoistic (perhaps)
Taked high pride of oneself (Not entirely)
Thirsty for praises (isn’t everyone?)
Extraodinary spirit (I guess)
Easily angered (no way)
Angry when provoked (They don’t call me pitty for nothin’)
Easily jealous (I wouldn’t say ‘easily’)
Observant (My favorite sport is people watching)
Careful and cautious (generally)
Thinks quickly (it depends)
Independent thoughts (for sure)
Loves to lead and to be led (Hmm…not really a huge leader)
Loves to dream (Well, I like to sleep — so sure, I like to dream)
Talented in the arts, music and defense (hells yeah — minus the music)
Sensitive but not petty (yes)
Poor resistance against illnesses (I am like IRON…nothing can break me)
Learns to relax (I know my way around a couch)
Hasty and rushy (not entirely)
Romantic (I like flowers and poems and notes and all that crap)
Loving and caring (I’m like a Care Bear)
Loves to make friends (not just for the sake of making friends…I like real, honest, good people)

That is ALL.

P.S. I just realized I have not had any Starburst jelly beans. Normally, jelly beans make me gag – but there is just something about the Starburst flavors that is just so inviting. I’m going to have to remedy this today.