A Thousand Words

No tricks, just treats
October 30, 2005, 8:19 pm
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Boo. It’s only right that I blog about something relating to Halloween today. Now, I’m not going to any parties or church harvest parties, so clearly I will not be dressing up. I highly doubt that any little kids will even stop by our door tonight. I mean, we have no porch light (too lazy to buy a light bulb) and our front “yard” is overgrown with weeds and thorns. Ghetto, I know.

We don’t even have any candy. If we did, it’d be gone cause I would have eaten it all, like 3 days ago, at least. That happened last year.

So, as I was trying to help Heids come up with a work appropriate costume, I realized I really sucked at it. Then, I was thinking back to the days o’ youth and the costumes I sported. They kind of sucked as well. I managed to come across a few pictures that showcase the vast array of costumes I donned. Let’s just talk about how cute I was.

Wasn’t I the cutest Little Red Riding hood EVER? See that table behind me? Yeah, I pushed my sister into it face first and she had to wear a patch over her eye for a while. Good times.

My mom made me dress up as a Grandma. She put baby powder in my hair and made me stuff my shirt to give me a nice bossom. I looked authentically elderly. I even won that bag in a contest. I hated that costume.

I was a punk rocker, who wore a GUESS t-shirt. And, I’m giving a thumbs up to the camera. I am a geek. (Ten bucks says Homedog will mention how Damon’s dog jumped on her and ripped her princess dress.)

One thing I am very sad about missing this year is the Mexican fiesta my mom always sets up. Homedog mentioned it in her blog today. I think she’s trying to make me jealous. It’s working.

Why I love the WWW
October 28, 2005, 3:12 pm
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Every so often I can count on something totally random happening via the Internet. I love those times.

Today I got an email from some random PhD student at the UW. He sent me a long rambling email (with pictures) after he came across my Yahoo Messenger profile. Anyway, I don’t really know what the point of his email was – until he sent me a follow up email with the subject line: Motive.

I want to learn how to knit from someone. I guess everything else, including the pictures I sent, were pointless if it wasn’t for the fact that you might want something back. I have a large knowledge of rock, post-rock, and electronic musics, if that matters. Also, maybe we can play speed Scrabble sometime at Denny’s.

Electronic musics…speed Scrabble….WHAT?! Hahahaha…

I must say that no random email could EVER top the one I got from some 40+ year-old who wrote as if we were in the medieval times, called me his “fair maiden” and asked me if I’d like to go to the local hot tub place some time. MAN…I wish I would have saved that email.

Long live the WWW.

Sharing is Caring
October 27, 2005, 9:31 am
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Dear Faithful Blog Readers,

I would like to inform you that the holidays are upon us. I, for one, absolutely adore the holiday season. Well, actually I really just love Christmas in particular. It has long been my favorite time of year. My mom always had the house decorated so cute and we had the best looking Christmas tree in the whole entire world. And, it was a real one – none of that fake crap. She made us our own stockings and hung them above the mantel with care and filled them to the brim with candy goodness and little trinkets.

Before we could open presents we’d sit there as a family and read Luke 2, while we ate homemade banana bread. We always had the best time as a family seeing the shock, excitement and mild disapointment (shoe racks) gifts could bring. And, really the presents are fine and all, but I really love just being with my family during this time. I can always count on it as being the best trip I take during the year. And, for dramatic effect – for the past 4 years I have been alone on Thanksgiving and going home for Christmas means the WORLD to me.

So, here’s my point. I was browsing for airline tickets this morning and I almost had a coronary when I saw they are going to cost about $400. Shells Munk can not afford this. So, this is where you come in. If you love me…or, can tolerate me even a little bit…send me money, or objects I can pawn to buy this plane ticket. If you help a sista out – I will bake you a holiday pie or knit you a washcloth.

Lets face it folks, I think we’d all be a little disappointed if I had to start a second job at the Lusty Lady…or hang out on the street corner a few nights a week. Think it over. Bring joy to this girls face this holiday season.

Happy Holiday wishes to you all,

Shells M.

*EDIT: for those of you who aren’t sure – I’m joking. I’m not really trying to solicit money. But, I mean…if you’re in the giving mood – that’s a whole other story.

“No thanks, I’ve got a muscle triplicator bar.”
October 25, 2005, 12:05 pm
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After a ten month hiatus, I’m proud to announce that Team Rogue is BACK! Last year ’round this time Beckster, Heids and I – along with a few other random peeps – did some training with a trainer from the gym. We’d usually meet downtown and work our bums off on the streets of Seattle. It was a lot of fun, actually. Except for the time when the trainers sorta weird bus driver boyfriend kinda flew off the handle and freaked out on a Convention Center worker. ANYWAY…out of nowhere the trainer fell off the face of the earth and the Team disbanded.
So, it has been long enough and we have brought the team back together. (minus the other peeps, the trainer and the weird bus driver boyfriend) Let me tell you, it is great. We’re going to make shirts and we even have a special tree at Green Lake that is our designated warming up/stretching tree. We call it Vick Tree. Muhaha…thanks to Beckster for that corniness!
So, one day a week we are each in charge of leading the team in some sort of crazy intense workout. Tonight happens to be my night. I’m not sure how well things are going to go, considering every part of my body aches from this new “lifestyle change” I’m on. But…I must press on, my team needs me.
Truth is, I really want to put them in intense pain. Just like Beckster did when I ran with her and she almost killed me. And, like when Heids made me whimper and sweat profusely just doing a stupid ab workout. It’s payback time. Grab your sweat bands and spandex, amigas, this is gonna get dicey.
First we’re going to take an hour meditation break. Then we’re going to climb that 1000-foot rock face over there with our bare hands and feet. I know you can do it, I have faith in you. But for now, observe the silence of the chi.Tony Perkis

Family Matters
October 18, 2005, 9:23 pm
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If you couldn’t tell, I was having a bit of an off day at the office yesterday. I’m okay now. It’s all quiet on the Western front.

Speaking of The Office. Does anyone watch that show? So. Freaking. Hilarious. I loved that Jim was a hole-punched version of himself for Halloween. The show is so hysterically innapropriate. I love it.

In other news, my sister (my co-pilot on this magic carpet ride) has began a blog. She’s the hot one in the family…but, I got the good hair. Anyway, I invite you to go check it out. She didn’t say I could invite you, but I’m the big sister – I can do whatever I want.

That is all. I have to get back to assembling hard hats now.

“Take this job and shove it”
October 18, 2005, 11:47 am
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I’m only going to ask for one thing from my job today. And that is…I’d like to do my OWN FREAKING WORK!

Sure, I can look up how much the new cell phones are going for, go shopping for a computer for your son, and call the computer people 18902312 times because you people are incompetent and don’t know how to log on to your email. I can hold your hand while I walk you through how to text message your kids and yes, I’ll remember to get you an apple juice when I pick up your order from the cafe…but you know, what? I really have much more important junk to do.

Today, all I really want to do is sit at my desk, have my little space heater almost burn a hole through my pant leg, and go through the heaping piles of papers that have accumulated, while I have done everyone elses work. I want to go through my inbox and delete the 387 emails from you people who email about everything that is not important in life.

When I get back from lunch, I’m going to put up one of those privacy screens…like the ones we used in First grade so our desk neighbors wouldn’t cheat during a spelling test. And, no one is going to bother me. Not even you, Mr. overly complimentary Project Manager, who always says “thanks Shelly, way to go, you’re doing a great job, well done” no matter what I’ve done – even if I just gave him his papers from the copier.

And, can you people please stop bringing in sugary goodness when I’m trying to make a healthy life style change?

K thanks.

Knit Happens
October 13, 2005, 8:39 pm
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Knitting class is fun. Sadly, knitting class is over. Last night I showed up for class and it turned out it was just the instructor and I. Not that we had a big class before – the one other girl just didn’t show up. It was nice because I was privy to extra knitting moves and techniques, because there was no one there to slow us down. It was rather fun too – I got the inside scoop on the crazy underground knitting world. And, my instructor – Logan – was so flamboyantly flamboyant he had me in stitches (booooo, bad joke) the whole time.

He was regaling me with stories about his own knitting past and the projects he was currently working on – felted green booties to wear around the house and this “very delicate looking” head wrap. Yeah, I know. He also spoke of the time he had taken his knitting to the bar and “that was the last time I will drink and knit again!” He went on to tell me about the painfully shy girl, who barely spoke above a whisper, that had taken a class. Come to find out she worked at Seattle’s fine gentleman’s club, The Lusty Lady, and had been making scarves for her routine. Apparently the shaking of her booty helped with her shyness. Plus, she got medical insurance. Who knew? THEN…there was the girl who came in to get some tips on knitting underwear for her friend who happened to be a gay porn star. Folks, this goes to show that knitting is NOT just for grandmas anymore.

Anyway, after all this I did manage to finish my hat. It turned out pretty swell, I think. I think it could be a little larger…because, turns out I have a big head. All that speculation is now official. You can see the finished product to the left. Try to disregard my man hands, and see the hat as the work of art it truly is.

Now, who wants a hat?

*disclaimer* just because I ask, doesn’t mean I’ll make one.

What ever happened to predictability?
October 9, 2005, 9:53 pm
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I’d have to classify this weekend as perfect.

I got to sleep in, and work on my knitting, while watching a Full House marathon…those silly Tanners. I got to eat Spaghetti O’s and found comfort in some biscuits from Kitchen Fresh Chicken. I cracked up over my Grandma’s reaction, after I told her my new knitting book was called Stitch ‘n Bitch. I took three hour naps and showered at 5pm – only to get back into my pajama pants. I went to the craft store, and took a field trip to the yarn shop with the roommies. I bought my cousins knitting supplies to pass on the crafting legacy, and planned this years craftacular Christmas presents. I taught Heids how to knit, had some hot chocolate from 7-11, cried over Extreme Home Makeover and listened to Heidi Marie talk about her new crush. Beckster and I ran a 5K and laughed at people with mullets.

I’m still trying to decide which of the following was actually the best part, though. It was either when….

Beckster explained to Heids the physics of tassles – accessories commonly found at Burlesque shows – including mimicking the movements and noting the importance of both arms in the routine.


When, after five minutes of making fun of me for taking a knitting class, my dad said he has been seriously thinking about taking up the fine art of basket weaving.

Boo that tomorrow is Monday.

Extinguish Me
October 5, 2005, 8:30 pm
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I never thought there would be a work week that could rival the week last year, when I had to do Jaywalk Patrol (see left) on campus. For the record Heids, I haven’t forgotten when you and your co-workers walked by, while I was on duty, and began taunting laughing at me. Anyway, boy was I wrong. This week has been an absurdly crazy and hectic week, and it’s only Hump Day. I’ll spare you all the gory details, because quite frankly everything pales in comparison to what happened to me this afternoon.

I was sitting at my desk about to open the mail, when I realized I had forgotten to grab the letter opener. I got up to get it from the drawer in the supply room, and as I was walking back to my desk, I heard a thud. (I guess I should mention there is a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall next to the drawer.) Next thing I know, I’m standing in a plume of fire extinguisher dust and was literally covered head to toe in soot, like the Mt. Everest of fire extinguishers had just erupted all over me. I stood there, in a momentary state of shock thinking, “what the CRAP just happened” and pondered if this was a time that merited a stop, drop and roll. My coworkers all began to rise above their cubicles to see what the fuss was about, and promptly started laughing and pointing…while I was gasping for air. I made my way out of the cloud of non-toxic particles and stumbled towards my desk – grasping for anything I could, to get the stuff out of my mouth. After a few moments, I eventually made it to the bathroom and took a good, hard look in the mirror. It looked like I had been working in a freaking coal mine. Priceless.

Once I gracefully composed myself, I headed back to my desk to finish opening the mail. Everyone was still laughing and re-enacting the scene, and one of my lovely co-workers piped up and said she saw it all happen, and it was like some sort of slow motion scene. She said she was going to come to my rescue, but she couldn’t because it was way too hilarious and was too busy laughing. GREAT.

I haven’t really been able to take a full breath, or see clearly since the incident…but, I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end.

The day I got LOST
October 3, 2005, 8:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’m sure most of you would agree with me when I say, being sick generally sucks. Luckily, I get sick maybe once a year, so I don’t have a lot to complain about. Well, Friday afternoon I was in the height of my misery and decided to head home early from work, make a stop at the video store, and console myself in a mushy romantic comedy. As I perused the aisles, my eyes came upon Season 1 of LOST. I looked at it skeptically and wondered what all the fuss was about. I decided to cave into peer pressure and rented discs 1 and 2. Well…

  • 2 days
  • 1 sleepless night
  • 3 video stores
  • $23 in rental fees
  • 7 disks
  • 2 file transfers
  • 26 episodes
  • 1,113 minutes
  • 62,342 seconds (haha, sike!) of my life later…

I am HOOKED. Let me tell you people, all of this fuss is about something great. This show is like none other. It’s like a mystery wrapped in a mystery. I’m so eloquent, right? Between screaming “OH MY GOSH” and “NO WAY!!!” – I was huddled under my blanket wimpering like a child. That show creeps me the heck out, and I LOVE it. There are so many little details that are intertwined in the plot and so many questions left unanswered, it only makes me yearn for more. I simply can not wait until Wednesday night when I can get my fix.

So, until then, if you’ll excuse me, I have some message boards to attend to.