A Thousand Words

Acres of Hope
January 29, 2006, 10:04 pm
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He will allure her
He will pursue her
And call her out
To wilderness with flowers in His hand
She is responding
Beat up and hurting
Deserving death
But offerings of life are found instead

She will sing
She will sing
Oh, to You
She will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead her away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

January 27, 2006, 12:41 pm
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I’ve decided that I want to throw my energy into all things crafty this weekend. My grams (I miss her soooo much even though I just saw her. GO VIKES) and I started a scrapbook way back in ’94 – before scrapbooking was even cool! I’d like to try to finish it, because we only got as far as 6th grade. And, Lord knows I’ve got many more embarrassing school pictures since that grade to contribute. I also need to finish making some Valentine’s day cards and a few other little goodies. This means that I will be spending unnecessary amounts of money at the Paper Zone. I’m okay with that, and you should be too.

I think I might like to take some pictures this weekend because it’s been a while. But, I don’t think the weather will be pleasant enough for that. CAN IT PLEASE BE SPRING ALREADY?!! One thing that made me happy the other day was that I wore sunglasses on my drive home from work. This means 2 things:

1.) There was no rain. And, that is cool.

2.) It is getting dark later…and that means spring is just around the corner, and then summer, and then warm days and flip flops and bike rides and beautiful sunsets and being tan and my mom will be here and it will be the best thing ever.

May you all have a most spectacular weekend.

The End.

EDIT: I just got a CRAP load of stuff for an amazing deal and I was so excited about it and thinking about how I would use it that I completely missed my exit on my way back to work. Dork.

“You hittin’ that?”
January 26, 2006, 8:55 am
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I’m not going to lie to you, I’m a bit disappointed in last nights episode of LOST. T’was anti-climactic and it made me want to punch Charlie and Claire in the face because they bore me. And, the whole diaper scene? Could have done without, thanks.

The bright spots for me:
-Hurley and his lil’ crush
-Locke puttin’ the smack down

Everything else? Meh.

I’ve got commitment issues.
January 24, 2006, 9:58 am
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Here we are on the 24th day of January and I have yet to remain committed to my resolution of losing 23893 pounds. I’ll do well for a few days – busting my hump at the gym, eating well…and then BAM I give up and delight in things that cause me to go into sugar induced comas. This is a problem.

I’m not sure if you know this about me – but, I’m a goal girl. I like setting little goals for myself. It’s sort of like making lists — it’s all about accomplishments, baby. So, I’ve realized that my problem is that I haven’t really made a true goal for myself as far as all of this is concerned. WELL…we’ve no longer got this problem people. I’ve got 3 pretty major things that I’m throwing myself into this year. I figure if I just go ahead and sign up for these things, it will FORCE me to get my arse in gear (and get out on the highway and go as fast as I can for 9 or 10 miles).

In order, the three events I will be participating in are:

The San Juan Half Marathon – June 4th
This will be 13.1 grueling miles of torture.

The Danskin Triathlon – August 20th (my birthday!)

This includes a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike ride, and a 3.1 mile run. My time last year was 1:52. I would ideally like to knock that down to 1 hr. 30 minutes this year.

The Seattle Marathon – November 26th

This is a 26.2 mile run…and there is a very good possibility that I may die before I cross the finish line.

In order to do all of this I’m going to have to really give ‘er my all. My plan is to start running every day – before, and possibly after work. Today I’ve already failed myself by promptly throwing my alarm clock across the room when it went off at 5:18 am. I then rolled over and went back to bed. BUT, I promise I will run tonight and I am going to go for a walk at the park on my lunch because it is SUNNY out and I can see the mountains, and the water is bright blue and that makes me happy (so do run on sentences.) Oh yeah, and then I’m going to start swimming again around early March and then add in biking sometime in the spring. This is going to be rough – but I think we can do it. Right?

Gooooo TEAM ME!!

January 23, 2006, 9:33 am
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Okay folks, we’re dealing with an extreme case of the Moooondays today. It’s one of those mornings where I’m shocked and amazed that I actually made it to work without getting in an accident. Seriously – I think I was dazed (and confused) the whole drive in.
I find it extremely odd (and amusing) that I have severe pain in my quads…when all I did yesterday was lay on the couch all day. ALL DAY. Why must I be so lazy? I don’t know.
The soft whir of my space heater is lulling me to sleep. Must fight it.


Hahahaha…just came across this quiz:
You are Juan Moreno!!

Which Completely Random Person Are You!!
brought to you by Quizilla

You’re probably curious, right?
January 22, 2006, 9:38 pm
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It’s a good thing you weren’t here. Trust me.

Finally Friday, I’m free again.
January 20, 2006, 9:20 am
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Go ahead ya’ll…it’s yo’ birthday Friday!!

Even though I am doing the “Yay, I’m happy it’s Friday” dance…I sorta feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. But, not the same way Buck & John-o were hit by a truck. I had this crrrazy dream last night. I don’t remember all of the details – I only remembered that I even had a dream after seeing a bumper sticker on some random car this morning. The gist of it was that I was in a bike race in Europe. But, my house from Minnesota was also present…so it could have been some Transatlantic race. ANYWAY, there was this girl who was really mean to me and my mom ended up liking her more than me. How is that possible? I’m nothing but lovable. Anyway, I can’t remember anything else about the dream, except that it was pretty scary and I’m sure I was crying at some point during the race. The scary level was equivalent to the recurring dream I used to have as a kid. I would be at my Grandpa’s farm feeding the cows and there would be some creepy big Monster in the trough and it would call me names and threaten to eat me. Ahhhh…good times.

Wow, I really just have nothing much to say. OH…I’m on my way to accomplishing one of my resolutions. I’m going to be save the world via an outreach program. The creator of the program is our company’s bottled water delivery guy. One day he stopped at my desk and said sweet things to me and asked if I was interested in volunteering some time. I met with him last night and he is HILARIOUS. He’s an ex gang member and is now an ordained minister and goes out to the streets to “relate” to his homies. But, if they’re going to try to rob him, “they’re gonna have to go down.” Know what I’m sayin’?

So, anyway – that’s about all I’ve got for now. Before I go…here is what I love today:

1. My knee high socks. I’ve got a pair for every day of the week – and you should too.
2. My Golden Girls shirt.
3. The York Peppermint Patties have been re-stocked..
4. This photo

Party on Wayne.

It’s just a little crush….
January 19, 2006, 4:21 pm
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Hey, this is fun, and totally accurate. A lil’ crush calculator for your enjoyment.

Check it out!

EDIT: Okay, I took the link away because I felt bad about being a Sneaky McTrickerson. It was fun while it lasted. No hard feelings, mmkay?

Trippin’ Down Memory Lane
January 17, 2006, 9:41 am
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Krysten and I decided it would be good to embarrass ourselves by posting old prom pictures. I have no problem with this because I am a constant embarrassment to myself every day…with or without a prom dress.

Now, as you can see I’ve blacked out my dates eyes. This is to protect the innocent. We’ll just call him Nosaj. I had a crush on this guy for quite some time and you can imagine my excitement when he begged me to go to prom with him. Okay, actually the conversation went something like this: “So, you’re not going with anyone, and I’m not either – so why don’t we just go together?” Ahhhh…swoon! I commissioned my mom to make my dress, mostly because there weren’t any dresses in big girl sizes back then. The dress itself is a close replica of Kate Winslet’s in Titanic.
Prom itself was awkward and…interesting, to say the least. The one and only school dance I ever attended – for very obvious reasons. I can’t dance. AT ALL.
After prom I thought Nosaj and I could have a future together – but he promptly rejected me in the middle of the Health & Beauty department at our local Wal-Mart. Oh well, can’t win ’em all!

P.S. This is my 100th post! Free ice cream for everyone!*
*Available in select areas only

Baby’s First Haircut
January 13, 2006, 7:45 am
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Due to several complaints and threatening emails/phone calls, I decided I’d better trim Geoff’s hair. (The harassment can stop now, thanks.) I even saved some of the trimmings to put in my scrapbook. I bet you’re not sure if I’m joking or not, are you?

Who knew that under all that herb hair was a hip scenester just waiting to bust out. I tried talking him into a rat tail…but he wasn’t having any of it.

I bet you wish your chia pet was as trendy as mine, don’t chya? Don’t chya?

Sidenote: I actually had to Google the spelling of ‘scenester’ and came upon a little quiz. It’s proof that I really AM cool.

You are either a record nerd or not a scenester at
all. You are the coolest of the bunch. Bravo,

what type of lame scenester are you?
brought to you by Quizilla