A Thousand Words

Aud Lang Syne
December 31, 2005, 10:52 am
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Here’s the required “how I’m going to make drastic life changes and have the best year ever in the whole entire world” blog post.

I was reflecting on this past year and realized it was filled with some fairly big life moments and general overall merriment. I graduated from college, I got my first real-world job with real-world responsibilities and a real-world salary. I competed in a triathlon, had my 24th birthday, took a mini-road trip, bought myself something expensive and beautiful and put it to use. Great year, I say.

So, with the New Year knocking down my door, I’ve come up with a general list of things I’d like to accomplish, or at least work on for the first few days of 2006.

:: Finish the resolution I started 6 years ago
:: Involve myself in more activities that push me out of my comfort zone
:: Volunteer
:: No more of the same guy re-run I always find myself in
:: Take at least one picture every day
:: Learn to knit mittens
:: Run a marathon
:: Take more trips
:: Knock 30 minutes off my triathlon time

and…of course this one:

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

Become an online stalker.

Get your resolution here

Done and done. Happy New Year everyone!

A Reader’s Digest Version
December 30, 2005, 8:48 pm
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Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!

Am I the only person who has to be at work today? Sure as Hades seems like it, considering the complete lack of traffic.

So, my trip home was absolutely wonderful. I never laugh more or have more fun than when I’m with mi familia. Everything about the vacation was perfect. Except maybe the vast amounts of food I consumed. Seriously, I don’t even want to eat anymore. Oh, also…the Vikes lost. That wasn’t so perfect. We’ll get ’em next year. So, for now – GO HAWKS!

Christmas itself was great. Sunday morning we went to my hometown church. It’s such a trip to go back there. There were maybe 30 people in attendance. Pretty typical for any given Sunday. The whole gift giving portion of Christmas was great as well. I love LOVE love giving people gifts that I know they’ll enjoy. This year those gifts included a book, a silly family portrait with sentimental meaning, and a trip to a sunny locale. I loved Homedog’s reaction when she realized I was taking her to Santa Monica for her birthday. It was great. The whole trip was fan-freakin’-tastic!

OH…OH… okay, so I know I’m a few months late on this review, but the movie version of Dukes of Hazzard absolutely sucks. What a disappointment. Those duke boys weren’t nothin’ like the Jackass and Pie boys portrayed. And Rosco? I’m not even going to get into it… stick with the original.

Anyway, I really had a great time at home, and obviously I have many pictures to show for it. Go check ’em out!

Edit: Well, well, well, looks like Ana Lucifer’s Tequila & Tonic ways finally caught up to her. And, Libby too. What a shame.

Mmmm….high speed.
December 29, 2005, 8:29 am
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Ahhh it’s nice to be back to the land of high speed and cable and traffic and mountains and no more coffee from gas stations and Seattle, oh Seattle…I love you.

I know I said I’d do a meaty post here… but I’m a liar and I have way too much work to catch up on, and I have to burn all of my new CD’s to my work computer. But, I just HAD to share with you all the coolest gift I recieved…above left. Thanks Homedog!! I really almost started crying when I opened it because it was just so cool. See, give me a chia pet and a NKOTB lunch box, and I’m a happy girl.

Also, check out the family picture we did for my pops. (click to enlarge) The good ol’ wood splitter and Mad Bomber hats…he LOVED it.

Those Bloody Brits
December 27, 2005, 8:30 am
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Okay, how annoyed am I that I can’t copy my wonderful new music goodness from my computer to my portable device. VERY.

It’s driving me to eat more cookies…and ice cream…and rye bread.

I’ll have a meaty post when I return to civilization and high speed. This dial-up is KILLING ME. And, I can’t wait to show you all one of the coolest Christmas gifts ever.

So, now I’m going to Grandma’s. We’re going to mourn the recent Vikings loss and knit and of course eat.

Two Below
December 21, 2005, 11:02 pm
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It’s cold here. I’ve actually resorted to wearing the mad bomber hat indoors.

It’s things like this that explain why I don’t have a boyfriend.

Family Circus
December 20, 2005, 3:27 pm
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The suitcases are packed, the knitting gear is tucked away in my carry on, and a full charge is on the Dell DJ. Leisure wear, basket weaving kits, and EBay gift certificates have been bought, and surprises have been planned. Cozy homes, beautiful decorations, too much food, below zero weather, a crazy family that I absolutely adore, and my homeland awaits.

Can’t wait for you to join us, Court.

Chi – Chi – Chi – Chia!!
December 19, 2005, 6:46 pm
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Heids just gave me the BEST Christmas present EVER. You have no idea how long I have wanted one of these. Why? Because it’s easy to do…and fun to grow! And, who doesn’t LOVE pottery that grows?!

Doesn’t that Garfield afro crack you up?

Hahaha…my night is complete.

Pa RUM pum pum pum
December 19, 2005, 8:08 am
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I just inhaled several Christmas cookies (so what if it’s only 8:10 in the morning. STOP JUDGING), and I’m pretty sure they were laced with some type of alcohol.

Silly co-workers…disguising them in powdered sugar…they knew I wouldn’t be able to resist.

EDIT: Homedog, seeing this picture should make your day less crappy! Love ya!

6 Cans of Spam
December 14, 2005, 7:49 am
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Well, well, well. It looks like I’ve got a jokester out there, with that comment on the last post. Well done mysterious commenter, well done. But, just for the record…my suite wasn’t AT the Chateau St. Michelle. Too bad, huh! Still, it was hilarious, thank you. I’m glad my readers have humor, even if it includes trying to humiliate me. That is what I call a true friend.

In other news, I’ll be home in less than a week. I am so unbelievably excited about this – you have no idea. I feel like I’ve got so much to do though… I’ve still got Christmas presents to buy, as well as make. I’ve got to return all those rejected clothing options for the Christmas party. I need to make a few more Christmas cards and get them out the door. And…AND…I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting because I don’t have my list in front of me. Sometimes I hate my personality because I get all of these grand ideas for gifts and I don’t realize how much work they’re going to be until it’s too late. Luckily I’ll be able to knock out a hat or two on the flight home. I must say, I’m very excited about 3 of the gifts I’m giving this year. These people (could it be you?!) have no idea what’s coming to them. It’s like Ed McMahon showing up at their door to surprise them with a million dollars. Except…Ed McMahon won’t be there…and they’re not getting a million dollars. Anyway, I CAN’T WAIT.

The problem gift this year is my dads. As it is every year. He’s so difficult to buy for. Especially when I ask him what he wants and he says, “I don’t need anything!!” Then, I tell him how much my Christmas bonus was and say he should take advantage of it. So, what does he say? “I guess I could use some dish towels.” BORING! I really wanted to get him a basket weaving kit…but I don’t think that’s going to pan out. Got One! I hate to give him another Home Depot gift card for the 5th year in a row…but…he may just have to deal with it.

Before I go, I have 2 confessions to make.

{1.} I absolutely LOVE the song “A Redneck’s 12 days of Christmas.” When I hear it, I start giggling like a little school girl. It NEVER gets old to me.

{2.} I’m a little afraid to say this…but, I don’t get the whole Chronicles of Narnia thing. Maybe it’s because I never read the books? Maybe it’s because I saw a version of it at Bible camp one year and I wanted to poke my eyes out the entire length of the movie? Still, I feel after hearing so many people talk about it I need to see it. I don’t know…but, I just don’t feel like I can jump on the bandwagon on this one. I’m sure I’ll lose friends over this…I’m SORRY. I just had to get it out.

I feel better, thank you.

I’ll take cheese with my whine.
December 8, 2005, 2:39 pm
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The dreaded office Christmas party is this Saturday. I have long despised any type of gathering involving co-workers. I happen to enjoy my co-workers quite a bit, but the last thing I want to do is spend an additional 10 hours with them on a Saturday.

This year I’m looking forward to it even LESS than previous years, despite the fact that I even have a “date” (thank you Aron, you are a kind & brave man). Let me just go ahead and copy & paste the itinerary for the evening.

– Wine tasting at Matthews Cellars 2:30 – 3:30
– Wine tasting at Chateau St Michelle 3:45 – 4:45
– Cocktails in the Fireside Room 6:00 – 6:30
– Appetizers
– Dinner

Now, I can only assume that the purpose of the gap between the last wine tasting and the cocktails is so everyone can sober up BEFORE we start drinking again. If you know me even a little bit, you can clearly see that this type of fun-filled day/evening o’ drinking is not really my idea of a fun time. Sure, it’s only wine TASTING, but lets be honest…they’ll be tasting it and CHUGGING all at the same time.

When I have my own company and I have a holiday festivus, there will be no wine tasting. It’s going to be ice cream tasting. It’ll pretty much be a field trip to Coldstone and everyone will get a spoon and dig right in. And, it would be perfectly acceptable to show up in pajama pants and flip flops. It’d be encouraged even.

Which leads me to my next annoyance with company events. The outfit. Normally I wouldn’t feel so pressured to find anything cute looking (yeah right!!) but, my coworker told me she bought a $130 dress for the occasion. Crap. I’ve never bought any single item of clothing that was that expensive. It’s just not how I roll. Anyway, I’ve finally managed to piece together some semblance of a dressy looking outfit. The problem is that I’m going to have to hem the skirt myself. Now, of all the crafty skills I’ve been blessed with, my mom did NOT pass down the “I can sew/repair anything using only a pine needle and blade of grass and make it look like a hundred bucks” gene. I don’t even OWN a sewing machine. I MAY have a needle somewhere. Heids and I are going to act the part of happy seamstresses (whether she wants to or not) and try to make me look somewhat presentable for this thing. Ugh.

I’m sure there will be stories to share come Monday.

** EDIT: I just burned a hole RIGHT through that skirt. Guess that option’s OUT. Excuse me while I punch myself in the face.