A Thousand Words

“Slow it down.” “I’m slowin'”
November 29, 2005, 11:03 am
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This morning as I was nearing my exit onto I-405, I glanced into my rear view mirror and saw the car that was directly behind me, swerve over a few lanes and take out several BMW’s, Jetta’s, etc…. When I saw this, all I could think was “HOLY SHNIKES! I’m glad I cut that dude off about a mile back!” I keed, I keed. I make joke with you! Seriously though, it was pretty bad. Luckily, Ness and I made it through just fine.
Last night as I was at the gym dying on the treadmill (yes, I’m back on that horse), the MTV dating show, NEXT, came on. For those of you who have not seen it – it’s a train wreck, one of those shows that you just can’t help but watch. Anyway, as floozie after floozie got rejected, I was reminded of the time I was on a date with a fellow – we’ll call him Brent (that may very well be his actual name…I don’t really remember). Brent and I met for coffee and we were having an enjoyable conversation and an overall swell time. Then, out of nowhere, he blurts out “I have to go. I need to go to my friends cousin’s baptismal party.” I never heard from him again. Now, I’ve been rejected before, but the thing about this was how completely asinine his excuse was to get the HECK OUTTA there. I mean, his friends cousin’s baptismal party? On a Tuesday morning? WHAT?
So, that got me thinking… I wonder how many pathetic excuses my readers have heard or given to get out of a date. Please, everyone share with the class. Even you shy readers who lurk but don’t comment. I know you’re out there. This could be fun. Maybe later we’ll discuss horrible date experiences.


Hello, I’m Johnny Cash
November 28, 2005, 10:38 am
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I had a nice weekend, how about you? It was really nice to do whatever the heck I wanted. I got quite a few things crossed off my list, and even managed to do some things that weren’t even ON the list. As pleasant as this long weekend was, it is nice to be back at work today and into the old groove of things. We all know I’m a routine girl.

So, for those of you who haven’t seen Walk the Line – you MUST go see it. Oh my dang, it is so spectacular. The story was intense and extremely compelling, as was Joaquin’s scar on his lip. I couldn’t take my eyes off that thing. I love it. {Sidebar: Court, remember when you fell on the big trampoline and got your lip caught in the springs and had to get stitches? His scar is kind of like yours. SO COOL.} Another pleasant surprise was Shooter Jennings playing his pops, Waylon. Those guys are all a bit rough around the edges. Just the way I like my men. Anyway, go see it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you’ll sing along.

I also caught a showing of RENT. It was a pretty good flick. I now have a minor crush on Jesse L. Martin, who played Tom Collins. I think it’s his teeth. He had great teeth. But, clearly the film did not top the actual play. I remember feeling so energized and “damn the man” after seeing the play. Good times.

Other than that, the weekend was pretty mellow. I’m a little frustrated with the whole knitting hats thing. I’m following the pattern but they still seem to come out small. I mean, my head can’t be THAT huge. Who am I kidding, it probably is. So, I need to mess with it a little more – (the pattern, not my head) and figure out a way to make a decent hat. I’ll keep you posted. Oh, one of the best things about knitting was when I showed Beckster how to knit the hat, and by the time I had one completed, she had cast on and re-knit the first row about 198232 times. She also accidentally cut her circular needles in half. It was sad for her, but really funny for me.

Anyway, I have just a few random comments about television shows. Lord knows I spent my fair of time on the couch watching them this weekend.

– Will someone PLEASE give Rita Cosby a throat lozenge?
– If you haven’t seen an episode of Run’s House – you MUST. It is so completely hilarious and their family dynamic is great. You will laugh hard and wish Rev Run was your daddy. At least that’s the way I feel.
– And last, but certainly not least – Grey’s Anatomy. Each week I fall more in love with this show. It is so well written and I absolutely adore each and every character. Season 1 comes out on DVD February 14th. I don’t know if I will have someone who will Be Mine, so I’m glad I also have the option to spend it with Dr. McDreamy. Ahhhh, sweet bliss. Oh, yeah – best line on the show last night? “Hey everybody, what’s up?” Hahaha. So punny.

Checkin’ it twice
November 23, 2005, 8:45 pm
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I can not convey to you how much I love lists. I have this pad of paper at my desk, and every morning I make a list of things that I should do that day. I put everything on that sucker, including: open mail, put more paper clips in basket, sharpen pencil, yadda yadda. I just love crossing things off. It makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. In all actuality, I hardly ever get anything on the list done, and I usually lose my list several times throughout the day.

Anyway, whenever I have a period of time off, I make a list of things to do around home. So, over Thanksgiving, since I will be bored outta my gourd, I have started to compile one. When the long weekend is over, we’ll see how much I get done.

Here is the list. In no particular order of importance:

1. Make Christmas cards
2. Knit hats
3. Organize photos
4. Work on top-secret project
5. Buy coffee maker
6. Volunteer
7. Go to Ikea
8. Decorate room
9. Buy Christmas presents
10. Make Christmas presents
11. Lose 25 pounds
12. Edit photos
13. See “Walk the Line”
14. Create custom wall hanging piece thingy
15. Get acquainted with the new neighborhood
16. Finish reading Searching For God Knows What
17. Start reading The Five Love Languages
18. Clean old Apartment
19. Sleep

I wish all (3) of my readers a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you get to spend it with those you love and care for.

Gobble out.

Reasons 28 & 29 why I love the Vikings
November 22, 2005, 9:24 am
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28. They beat the Packers last night.

29. As I stood in the Auto shop last night chatting it up, the Monday Night Football tone rang out. Upon hearing it, I proclaimed “Go VIKES!!” My mechanic guy looked at me and said, “That just got you $30 knocked off your bill.”

Grams would be proud.

Reasons 28 & 29 why I love the Vikings
November 22, 2005, 9:24 am
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28. They beat the Packers last night.

29. As I stood in the Auto shop last night chatting it up, the Monday Night Football tone rang out. Upon hearing it, I proclaimed “Go VIKES!!” My mechanic guy looked at me and said, “That just got you $30 knocked off your bill.”

Grams would be proud.

November 21, 2005, 8:19 pm
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I’m all moved in. Sort of. The old apartment looks like trash and we need to clean it, and we only have about 4 dishes here at the new place…but other than that, we’re all moved in.

I was going to write something really witty comparing our moving weekend to that episode in Friends where they were trying to get the couch up the stairs to Ross’ apartment, and then describe how I fell off the truck ramp, but…eh.

I’m sore, bruised, exhausted, and my knuckles hurt like I just punched somebody in the face. There are some pictures from this weekend over on my Flickr page.

Before I go, I will share some of my favorite quotes from this weekend:

“My dogs are barkin’.”
“Do IT.”
“You scratch it, you die.”
“You got it?” “I got it.” “WAIT, I DON’T HAVE IT”

You make me feel like a Natuuurrrallll Womaaaan
November 21, 2005, 11:13 am
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Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That’s because you’re a natural at seduction. You don’t realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You’re the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything – so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

A little boxy
November 17, 2005, 2:05 pm
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I’m moving this weekend. So is my coworker. The following conversation took place in the parking garage as I walked in to work this morning:

Me: “What are you doing?”

Her: “I’m trying to get some boxes out of the trash bin.”

M: “Hmmm…nice idea. ”

H: “Yeah, I’m glad I beat you to it.”

M: “Well, I got dibs on the Office Depot boxes that come in today.”

H: “Well, I’m going to take the toilet paper box that’s in the bathroom.”

M: “Too late, it’s already in my car.”

H: “What?”

M: “It’s true, and I already got all of the boxes out of that trash bin you’re in. So, now you’re just diggin’ around in someone else’s garbage.”

H: “You suck.”

Three Times a Lady
November 16, 2005, 8:01 am
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Three screen names that you’ve had: zingersb, alfrocks, shellsters
Three things you like about yourself: my hair, my wit, I take nice pictures
Three things you don’t like about yourself: girly insecurities, chub, impatience
Three parts of your heritage: Norwegian, Swedish, German
Three things that scare you: a family member or friend dying, skunks, 80’s clothing
Three of your everyday essentials: hair gel, haha’s, cuppa joe
Three things you are wearing right now: striped knee-high socks, zip up hoodie, Chuck Taylors
Three of your current favorite songs: Home To Me – Josh Kelley, Best Thing – Graham Colton Band, I Won’t – Keri Noble
Three things you want in a relationship: humor, honesty, a boy
Three things you can’t live without: family, friends, kisses
Three places you want to go on vacation: Greece, Egypt, the Caribbean
Three things you just can’t do: make the “3” sign with my fingers, play a musical instrument, math
Three kids names: Grace, Ella, Jade
Three things you want to do before you die: Vist Europe, buy my parents something they’ve always wanted, travel the country and take pictures
Three celeb crushes: Clive Owen, Colin Firth, Mark Ruffalo
Three of your favorite musicians: Rascal Flatts, Amos Lee, Julie Roberts
Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you: Nice teeth, pretty eyes, someone who is taller than me
Three non-physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you: Humor, kindness, intelligence
Three of your favorite hobbies: photography, craftiness, interneting
Three things you really want to do badly right now: sleep, put my sweat pants on, go on vacation
Three careers you’re considering/you’ve considered: Photojournalist, Architect, Oceanographer
Three ways that you are stereotypically boy-like: I’m mechanically minded, I can bait my own hook, I can drive a tractor
Three ways that you are stereotypically girl-like: I cry about everything, snakes freak me out, I own atleast 12 bottles of various hair care products
Three people that I would like to see post this meme: Homedog, Court, Roommates

Camera Shy
November 15, 2005, 8:12 am
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It’s been about 2 months since I’ve taken any photos worth sharing. So, I’m sharing. These were taken last night. They’re the kind of photos where, after I snap them, I think…ohhh I’m going to love that one. And, I’m right.