A Thousand Words

June 15, 2007, 9:22 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s raining here this morning. It’s the kind of morning that makes me wish I was wearing too baggy lounge attire, in a dimly lit room, reading a book or napping.

Sometime between now and next week (I don’t recall the exact day) it will  be six years since I made the move to Seattle. Sometimes I think, wow, I can’t believe I just up and moved. That’s a huge deal. I didn’t have a job, or apartment lined up, and no real plan for what I would do.  I can’t believe I actually followed through on that decision to get out of small town Minnesota and move 1,643 miles away from everything I had ever known. It was probably the best decision I ever made for myself personally. This morning is the first time where I feel like I want to move away to somewhere new and different. I feel restless. Trapped in the routine everyday life. It’s probably just the fact that it’s rainy and gloomy and I’m getting tired of waiting for summer to be here full time. I’m already growing tired of the monotony of my days that go something like: work, eat, workout, sleep, repeat.  Although, I have friends, and a good paying, reliable job here and that just sounds so secure to me and it probably wouldn’t be adult of me to leave that.

I wish I could go back to the summer days of my early life before I was forced to be a grownup and work for a living. I remember the camping, rollerblading with my cousins, spending days on end at my Grandma’s,  swimming and long days of doing nothing. I wish, in those moments, I could have really appreciated those days for what they were. Simple.

Guilty of this.
June 11, 2007, 2:24 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’d be lying if I said I have never sent out emails regarding the proper and economical use of the electricity. Our roommate white board is also guilty of displaying notes scolding others for eating food not their own.

This is my new favorite site.

This one may be one of my favorites so far.

Life Lessons
June 4, 2007, 7:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Note To Self:

Yes, you live in Seattle — but don’t let that stop you from using sunscreen. Keep this in mind especially while boating and riding your bike for 20 miles during the hottest time of day on the hottest days of the year. Your skin will thank you later.

Also, acquire padded bike shorts. Your ass will thank you later.