A Thousand Words

April 30, 2007, 11:35 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I love this commercial.

Two Lips
April 23, 2007, 2:55 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I made the trek to the Tulip Festival once again. I had a wonderful time (by myself, naturally) and got in and out before the crowds became too large and annoying, and before I was forced to bust any kneecaps.

Here are a few of my favorites. More can be found in this set on my Flickr page.

Chasing Rabbits
April 11, 2007, 9:20 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hey Peeps.

I’m delighted to say that Saturday’s race went really well. I started off feeling excellent and set my eyes on a guy in front of me to help pace myself. Apparently this is called “chasing a rabbit.” Anyway…I ended up passing this guy at the 1st mile mark… it was fun while it lasted. I told myself I could stop to take a quick break at the 2.5 mile mark. It came and went and I was still feeling swell, so I said…okay, the 3 mile mark then. The 3 mile happened right as we were routed right back on the road, so I thought…nah…I’ll keep going. Then I hit the 4 mile mark and told myself there’s no way I’m stoppingĀ  in the last mile. With about a half mile left I started to really feel it. My pace slowed down, my legs were wobbly, I was sweating profusely, dying of thirst, and on and on. Once I rounded a corner I could see the finish line and knew I was in the final stretch. Let me tell you…that was the longest damn final stretch ever. And then of course there were the spectators on the side lines yelling encouraging things like, “WAY TO GO!! ALMOST THERE!!” And all I could think was…”shut the hell up you lazy ass standing on the side with your mocha and donut!” I finally crossed the finish line with a time of 56’10”. Tears started welling up in my eyes because I couldn’t believe I actually did it. Holla to me! Anyway, it was a great run.

I’m thinking about doing a 10k in June or so. I have to actually find one…but I’m sure there’s gotta be at least one happening around here during the month. I’ve decided by the end of the year I’m going to complete a half marathon.

In an effort to be more financially smart, I’ve decided to hold off on Allez for another year. By the time I get all the accessories I need for it, it’ll be about a $1000 investment. Yikes. Next year he will be mine. Oh yes, oh yes.

I’m also kicking around the idea of starting swimming again. It’s been difficult finding a pool since we moved to the Eastside. I mean, there are plenty of pools, but they average about $50 a month. Yikes.

So, anyway…that’s about all the news for now. There will be some glorious road trip action happening this weekend and I’m highly anticipating it. Open road, here I come!

I am my hair.
April 3, 2007, 8:10 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’ve got the “big” race this Saturday. I’m concerned because the last 2 times I’ve went out for a jog it’s been miserable. I thought maybe taking a break for a few days would help. Nah. On Sunday I barely made it a mile before I had to stop. I felt like I was going to be sick. I told myself I had to go two more miles. I made it one more mile before collapsing onto the bleachers. The old man who was walking the track glanced over at me with sympathy, or…maybe pity. I eventually finished the third mile and my pace was awful. Meh.

Today I had been planning on running a couple of miles on my lunch. It’s the perfect day for it. But now I don’t want to because my hair looks awesome today.