A Thousand Words

Raise your hand if you don’t want to work today!
February 27, 2006, 10:01 am
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I feel like I’ve got some type of awful hangover. Even though I haven’t had a lick of alcohol — unlike some people. I think it could have something to do with that half of a Romio’s pizza (it was a small – lay off) I had last night. Talk about carb overload. But it was so good and I’d totally do it all over again.

I got my hair cut this weekend. This is always a little nerve wracking for me – ever since this random butcher — I mean, stylist — cut my hair about 5 inches after I asked for LONG layers. WTF OMG BBQ!! Anyway, I went in wanting 1/2 an inch cut off and came out 3 inches shorter. I was pretty much ganged up on by my stylist and her instructors. But – it’s all good in the hood. It had to be done for the well being of my luscious locks. And, PLUS I got a new hair care product. Color me happy.

Last week I bought our tickets to sunny Santa Monica. I am SO excited – you have no idea. I get to visit my wonderful Beckster, spend a whole week with my absolutely amazing Homedog, AND we’re going to Disney Land! It’s my first vacation that doesn’t involve going back to Minnesota and I couldn’t be more happy (my heart still belongs to you, MN). There will be sun and fun and flip flops and lemon drops. Only 32 more days!!

Enough about me, let’s talk about you — how was your weekend?

February 27, 2006, 10:01 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I feel like I’ve got some type of awful hangover. Even though I haven’t had a lick of alcohol — unlike some people. I think it could have something to do with that half of a Romio’s pizza (it was a small – lay off) I had last night. Talk about carb overload. But it was so good and I’d totally do it all over again.I got my hair cut this weekend. This is always a little nerve wracking for me – ever since this random butcher — I mean, stylist — cut my hair about 5 inches after I asked for LONG layers. WTF OMG BBQ!! Anyway, I went in wanting 1/2 an inch cut off and came out 3 inches shorter. I was pretty much ganged up on by my stylist and her instructors. But – it’s all good in the hood. It had to be done for the well being of my luscious locks. And, PLUS I got a new hair care product. Color me happy.

Last week I bought our tickets to sunny Santa Monica. I am SO excited – you have no idea. I get to visit my wonderful Beckster, spend a whole week with my absolutely amazing Homedog, AND we’re going to Disney Land! It’s my first vacation that doesn’t involve going back to Minnesota and I couldn’t be more happy (my heart still belongs to you, MN). There will be sun and fun and flip flops and lemon drops. Only 32 more days!!

Enough about me, let’s talk about you — how was your weekend?

Two-fer Tuesday
February 21, 2006, 8:30 am
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Three day weekends do my body good. Except, I kind of feel like it’s Monday. Even though it’s really Tuesday, I’ve still got that Monday feel. Know what I’m talkin’ about Willis?

Ahhh it really was a nice & relaxing weekend. And Beckster was in Sea-town! HOLLA!!! (Oh yeah Kyle, we had breakfast at your pimp spot – the Rusty Pelican!) Hmm…I really didn’t do a whole lot else this weekend, actually. I watched the entire first season of Grey’s Anatomy and crunched it and dropped my car off at the mechanic – so I was kind of tied to the apartment. Or, I left when Heids left. I mean, if I really wanted to go somewhere I could of hopped on the bus – but you know how I feel about public transit.

It’s weird – I feel like I can’t keep up with the blog anymore. I mean – I haven’t even checked my StatCounter in DAYS. That’s just weird. I’ve had that thing since like September and am sort of psycho about checking it – but, now – meh. I go through phases with things like this. It’s like the time when I was 12 and I got a new diary with kittens on it. (Which totally reminded me that I had a dream about baby kittens last night. Weird.) Anyway, I specifically remember writing in the journal, mentioning that we had gone to see Little Giants that day and stopped at Ben Franklin and that I was absolutely POSITIVE that I was going to write in the diary every day. Well, Homedog found that diary a couple of months ago when she was helping my mom clean some stuff out and she promptly notified me that that particular entry was the first AND last entry. So, what am I saying? I don’t really know. I’m just kind of rambling.

I’ll try to be better about blogging. Really, I will.

Happy, Happy Birthday ATW
February 15, 2006, 9:47 am
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A Thousand Words turns One today! I was going to create some type of cool montage like the “Best of” kind of thing…but I’m kind of busy today. So, feel free to peruse the Archives and pick out your own fave moments.

Thanks for stickin’ around this long, peeps! I know it hasn’t always been easy!

From me to you, with love.
February 14, 2006, 7:35 am
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Happy Valentines Day peeps!

This year I’m not going to be all, “boo hoo I don’t have a Valentine and this day sucks and if I see someone wearing a turtleneck with hearts on it I’m going to punch them in the face.” (Okay, I might have to do the punching regardless because that seriously annoys me.) I just kind of hope that when I get home tonight, that on my doorstep, there will be a single flower sitting in an old Coke can. When I was younger my pops used to do that for us kids. Clearly my dad isn’t really into the whole presentation aspect of gifts — but I love it all the same. And also…I have many lovely things to be thankful for today — I love you family/friends/ Tillamook Ice Cream/ New Kids on the Block, etc… You know who you are.

Anyway, I’ve got a little treat for all of my fellow LOST friends out there. Ripped directly from some fansite, I give you a LOST Valentine’s Day Top 10.


10. Build them a shelter to keep out the mysterious torrential rain that seems to suddenly occur without warning!

9. Put on a Barry White record in the hatch- it’s sure to spark some lovin’.

8. Romantic dinner around the fire, anyone?

7. Go watch a showing of “Orientation” together while eating some Dharma Initiative Stove-Top Popcorn!

6. A homemade gift is what the ladies really want- just ask Locke!

5. Stealing the baby In retrospect, not such a good idea after all.

4. Go on a hike up the mountain together- but watch out for large pointy sticks, especially if he/she hasn’t been too happy with the relationship lately.

3. A polar bear-skin coat is always great for those cold island nights.

2. Why not do them a favour and take a shift for them at the computer?

And the number one thing to do for your significant “Other” this Valentine’s Day…

1. Give them a long, passionate kiss after running through the jungle.

Have a great day, everyone!

** EDIT ** My coworker just gave me a “Grow – a – Date: The incedible expanding date that grows in water.” You know how much I love growing stupid stuff – there WILL be pictures.

Coffee Dealer
February 13, 2006, 8:53 am
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Someone stole my creamer outta the fridge this morning. This does not make me happy. I’ll have to drink plain black coffee? Bleh. Only 6.5 hours left until I can go home.

art courtesy of this place

Is that…you?
February 10, 2006, 9:51 am
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This is weird. Every time I look into the mirror today, it seems like I look different. I don’t really know why… It just doesn’t look like me. Has that ever happened to you? I’m probably going crazy.

A few lil’ things:

{::} There are some new sets up on my Flickr site. I was just telling Kyle that I can’t wait until Spring because things are so much more beautiful then. I’m finding it hard to have motivation to get my bum out and take new snaps. ALTHOUGH – when I went to the park in Magnolia to get some shots, I looked down and found a $10 bill. That was kind of nice.

{::} If you’ve never been to a revival held by an inner city church – YOU SHOULD GO. The place I volunteer for had one last night and it was absolutely great. I LOVE my church, but the inner city churches have a heck of a lot more flava. They know how to get down, yo.

{::} I didn’t want to mention this – because I’m afraid I’ll jinx myself -but I’m on day 4 of my lifestyle change and it is rocking along. I actually threw a piece of quality chocolate away! (I was scared of Heids yelling at me) The only problem is that I’ve started lifting weights and OH MY DANG, I am in a lot of pain. Seriously, I still hurt from Tuesday. Gah. I secretly love the pain, though.

{::} As if Gmail weren’t great enough, they’ve added a cool new chat feature. It allows you to chat from within Gmail. It loads your contacts and whenever you sign in to your email, it makes you available for chat. If you don’t have Gmail, get ahold of me (physically or not) and I will hook you up. That’s just the kind of girl I am.

By the by, I’m still digging the 90’s station.

Munkalicious OUT

February 8, 2006, 10:20 am
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Let’s play a game! What are you excited about today?

I’ll go first.

//:: I am tooootally digging the 90’s station on XM Radio. Kris Kross will make you jump, jump! Why haven’t I listened to this before?!
//:: LOST tonight. So excited. SO excited!

Your turn.

You might as well face it…
February 5, 2006, 6:21 pm
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Best. Commercial. EVER.

Scroll down a bit and click on “Addicted to LOST”

“Gonna get to ya girrrrl”
February 3, 2006, 8:36 am
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Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance.
– just get on the floor and do the New Kids’ dance.

Nothing beats a Friday. Except maybe a Friday that consists of listening to my New Kids on the Block Greatest Hits CD. YEAH DAWG! It’s amazing how I’m much I’m still in love with them after all these years. That, my friends, can be classified as true love. I think so far my one greatest regret in life is that I never got to see them in concert. Sure, there was that time when the ‘rents said they would take me to their concert on Harriett Island in Minneapolis…but nooooo we went camping instead. I’ve never fully trusted my parents since that incident. I’m still hoping for a comeback. And when it happens, I’m going to be in the front row shakin’ it and Hangin’ Tough, because baby, I’m their Cover Girl.

I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t think I’m going to get a whole lot done today. Today we’ve got a birthday lunch, so that means 2 hours or so out of the office carousing around eating great tasting things. However, because of the jean ripping incident earlier this week, I am severely limiting myself, and probably won’t take advantage of the situation. Boo, diets suck.

Also, I’d like to thank those people (MOM) who told me getting the 2-week disposable contacts were really the way to go. Umm…yeah. Not so much. I’m not good with remembering when I put them in, and how many weeks it’s been and yadda yadda. Most of the time, it feels like my contact is going to shrivel up in my eye and pop right out. HOTT! In fact, this morning I was talking to my coworker about something and the whole time my eye was twitching wildly about. He stops right in the middle of the converstation and says, “I’m sorry, did you just wink at me?” So, that left me all red faced and I just mumbled something and went back to my desk. He followed me anyway and said, “No, really – did you?” All I could say was, “No..my contact…umm…hurts.” So, what’s he say? “Awww, Shelly I’m flattered.”

Also, tomorrow is Heidi’s birthday – so I think you all should be nice and send her birthday presents and cupcakes. Cash would even be great, and you can make any checks payable to me – I’ll make sure she gets it. 😉