A Thousand Words

May 24, 2007, 8:02 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Notice over on the left how I haven’t even added a spot for my May running statistics? Yeah, I’ve had a rough 2 months or so of running. Most of it has to deal with my feet. I seriously feel/look like I’m about 85 years old when I’m through with a run. I’m waiting patiently for my orthotics to be finished and I’ll get to pick them up on the 30th. I’m partially excited about this because I’ll be in much less pain, but then I’ll have no more excuses for not running. Crap.

In an effort to take off the 6 or so pounds I gained while in Minnesota I’ve been making use of my new Bally’s card. (It’s worked!) I’ve gone swimming a bunch and this week Heids and I have totally kicked ace on our workouts. We do 60 minutes on the elliptical, and then head to the pool for an additional 20 minutes of swimming and top it off with about 10 minutes of Hot Tubbin’. June 1st begins the intense 2.5 month triathlon training. I need to make up some major ground after last years miserable time. If I did the triathlon today, I’d probably be more prepared than I was last year. And that is all I have to say about that.

I’d also like to say that I’m extremely glad this weekend is a 3 dayer. It’s really the only thing that’s gotten me through this week. I need to try to be productive in some way. I remember the last time I had a long weekend I didn’t do a damn thing. I think some long bike rides will be in order since the weather looks decent. I’d really like to go camping because I love camping and I miss camping, but I have no camping gear. I’ve been thinking about having an 80’s movie marathon weekend. It’s come to my attention that there are SEVERAL bad 80s movies I haven’t seen and I just don’t feel right about this. I could technically scrapbook and watch the movies at the same time. Two birds, one stone. The only problem with this is that the chain video stores around here don’t carry movies made before 1990 and that seriously cramps my style. I miss the ghetto small hometown video stores.

I have nothing important to really say. I’m just typing out loud — obviously trying to avoid a little work and waiting for the right time to go spy on my construction worker men.

May 22, 2007, 2:49 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have had the weirdest day today. I’ve had the most random encounters (not THOSE encounters) and they keep coming…on the hour, every hour. I’m almost scared to go meet this man tonight that my coworker is setting me up with. I’m not sure I can handle any more crazy.

May 17, 2007, 6:59 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have a seriously new hardcore crush. John Rich of Big & Rich.  I didn’t really care for them before, but after hearing their song “Lost in this Moment” a while ago, I’m a small fan. The other night I saw them on the CMA’s — yes, I watched the Country Music Awards, and they sang their new song with John Legend. It pretty much made me melt and fall in love with him.

He’s the lead singer in the cowboy hat. rawrrrr.

Now onto the the finales of the Office and Grey’s.