A Thousand Words

September 28, 2006, 6:26 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Last night I had one of those dreams where I wish it were really true.

I had a date with someone yesterday. In real life — not the dream. When I got home I was complaining to Heids, saying I wish I weren’t so apathetic about EVERY SINGLE date I go on. Seriously. They’re generally very nice guys but afterwards I always feel…EH. I’m not talking so much about that damned “spark” people feel…but most people just don’t generate enough interest for me to be excited about seeing them again. This guy last night was nice enough. Cute enough. Polite enough. Whatever enough. He even called me weird — in a “you’re fun, unpredictable, witty, good way”. I can handle that. He also cornered me at my car and asked for a second date. I HAD to say yes. I’m not necessarily looking forward to it. Many people have said I need to go on atleast a second date because people open up more on the second date. When I make myself suffer through these second dates I always feel the exact same way as the first date. Eh. Maybe I’ve been too picky. Anyway, HELLO tangent.

Last night I dreamt I had a date with Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block. This is interesting for a couple of reasons. First of all, every knows I loved Jon — not Jordan. So, why Jordan? Is it because I had a rat-tail styled after his? Is it because I look at his face every day as I go in and out of my lunch box? Is it because he has that beautiful dark curly hair? I do not know why.

I was actually on a date with the Jordan post-NKOTB. He was a little chubbier (probably off the drugs) but still as enchanting as ever. Let me just say we had the best freaking dream date I have ever had. We went to some carnival and we took pictures together, made soup (?) and did other fun date stuff that I’m not quite recalling at the moment. It was all very exciting. And at the very end he said some sort of cheesy line to me and kissed me. In the rain. I woke up feeling so overjoyed that I had finally found someone that gave me something exciting to look forward to. Then I got really bummed when I realized it was a dream, and in fact I do NOT have a Jordan Knight to kiss me in the rain and tell me funny stories and do stupid date stuff with.

So, I really do believe there’s got to be some sort of Jordan Knight guy out there for me, and it’s not just because I’m being picky. Anyway, not real sure where this post was going. But, whatevs!

*Sigh* Here’s to finding a good man.

Oh yeah. Also? Creepy guy who sent me a big boquet of flowers stopped in yesterday to surprise me. Awesome. Time for that  restraining order.

September 19, 2006, 4:50 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’ve been totally geeking out the past week over this bike trainer Heids and I bought. It’s awesome and wonderful and perfect for us Seattle-ites who want to ride their bikes all year long, but are too wussy to actually ride in the rain. So, you just prop your bike onto the stand and you’re all set to ride — in the safety and comfort of your own apartment! And really, one of the best things about it is that you can watch TV at the SAME TIME! See, this is really made for someone like me who is lazy, doesn’t want to ride bike in the rain, and hates to miss a show on TV. For instance, last night I got hooked on an episode of Laguna Beach, then Access Hollywood and then Wife Swap. I was on that bike for 70 minutes, and granted I pretty much felt like I was going to die, and had to have Heids actually help me off the bike…but it was a great workout, and I didn’t miss out on any quality programming.

This is especially useful considering this week all the shows start back up. It’s a little overwhelming, actually. I mean, I’ve got Dancing w/the Stars on Tuesdays. The Biggest Loser and soon LOST on Wednesdays and my favorite combo — The Office and Grey’s Anatomy on Thursdays. So, I don’t have a TIVO or anything to record these shows so I basically need to be at home all the time to watch TV. How pathetic does that sound?!!!! Very. I’m okay with it.

And here’s something kind of funny. As I was researching the bike trainer I saw a BIKE THONG. What?! First of all, what a ridiculous name, I would be far too embarassed to own something like that. And, why have that when you could have a basket??! It easily holds the remote, water bottle, cell phone, and anything else I could ever want. Bike Thong…. psssshhh..

Playing Catch-Up
September 11, 2006, 10:56 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’ve really been slacking on this whole blog thing. I’ve been meaning to post about my trip to Hawaii. It was incredible and amazing and wonderful and the best thing ever. What a refreshing trip. We did lots of things like snorkle, and lay on the beach, got really red, ate the best banana bread, hugged gold plated fire hydrants, and cruised in the HOTT (haha) Sebring Convertible. We also did the road to Hana which techinically violated the rental car contract…what with all of those one lane bridges, dirt roads on the side of a cliff and hair pin turns What an amazing experience. Driving through the jungle and getting out of the car and the scent of mangos and oodles of other tropical fruit overwhelms you. There are tons of pics posted on my Flickr site. Some of my favorites include the set of Michele flicking the camera off. She did it randomly once and I didn’t expect it. Then it became a tradition.

Also, this book was our best friend. Seriously, it was the best tour guide you could have. If you’re ever in the Hawaii, you should buy it.  It went with us everywhere. And, I mean everywhere.

Life has been depressing since I’ve been back. Mainly because I have to do real adult things like pay bills and show up to work. What a drag. I’m totally going back next year.

The Vikes are playing tonight. Yay for the return of football. Especially since I now have the proper headwear to support my guys.

Also, I’m playing golf for the first time on Saturday. This should be extremely interesting and entertaining.

That is all for now. Until next time.