A Thousand Words

I remember.
July 30, 2007, 10:01 am
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I remember that it was unseasonably hot. The kind of hot that makes you feel sticky and uncomfortable no matter what you’re doing. I remember the shirt I was wearing, and how I didn’t really like it that much. I remember sitting in his truck making small talk – probably about the heat. I remember thinking how clean his truck was for a guy like him. I remember the deep creases around his blue eyes and him asking me if I liked his haircut. I did. I remember feeling the invisible canyon that was between us, and if one of us moved things would become suddenly complicated. I remember the way he looked at me, with his head cocked slightly to the side. I remember he kissed me even though I had honestly said I didn’t want him to, but I guess somewhere inside I really did. I told him I had to go, for reasons I don’t remember, and knew from then on we’d go our separate ways.

Today I remember him.

June 15, 2007, 9:22 am
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It’s raining here this morning. It’s the kind of morning that makes me wish I was wearing too baggy lounge attire, in a dimly lit room, reading a book or napping.

Sometime between now and next week (I don’t recall the exact day) it will  be six years since I made the move to Seattle. Sometimes I think, wow, I can’t believe I just up and moved. That’s a huge deal. I didn’t have a job, or apartment lined up, and no real plan for what I would do.  I can’t believe I actually followed through on that decision to get out of small town Minnesota and move 1,643 miles away from everything I had ever known. It was probably the best decision I ever made for myself personally. This morning is the first time where I feel like I want to move away to somewhere new and different. I feel restless. Trapped in the routine everyday life. It’s probably just the fact that it’s rainy and gloomy and I’m getting tired of waiting for summer to be here full time. I’m already growing tired of the monotony of my days that go something like: work, eat, workout, sleep, repeat.  Although, I have friends, and a good paying, reliable job here and that just sounds so secure to me and it probably wouldn’t be adult of me to leave that.

I wish I could go back to the summer days of my early life before I was forced to be a grownup and work for a living. I remember the camping, rollerblading with my cousins, spending days on end at my Grandma’s,  swimming and long days of doing nothing. I wish, in those moments, I could have really appreciated those days for what they were. Simple.

Guilty of this.
June 11, 2007, 2:24 pm
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I’d be lying if I said I have never sent out emails regarding the proper and economical use of the electricity. Our roommate white board is also guilty of displaying notes scolding others for eating food not their own.

This is my new favorite site.

This one may be one of my favorites so far.

Life Lessons
June 4, 2007, 7:36 am
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Note To Self:

Yes, you live in Seattle — but don’t let that stop you from using sunscreen. Keep this in mind especially while boating and riding your bike for 20 miles during the hottest time of day on the hottest days of the year. Your skin will thank you later.

Also, acquire padded bike shorts. Your ass will thank you later.

May 24, 2007, 8:02 am
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Notice over on the left how I haven’t even added a spot for my May running statistics? Yeah, I’ve had a rough 2 months or so of running. Most of it has to deal with my feet. I seriously feel/look like I’m about 85 years old when I’m through with a run. I’m waiting patiently for my orthotics to be finished and I’ll get to pick them up on the 30th. I’m partially excited about this because I’ll be in much less pain, but then I’ll have no more excuses for not running. Crap.

In an effort to take off the 6 or so pounds I gained while in Minnesota I’ve been making use of my new Bally’s card. (It’s worked!) I’ve gone swimming a bunch and this week Heids and I have totally kicked ace on our workouts. We do 60 minutes on the elliptical, and then head to the pool for an additional 20 minutes of swimming and top it off with about 10 minutes of Hot Tubbin’. June 1st begins the intense 2.5 month triathlon training. I need to make up some major ground after last years miserable time. If I did the triathlon today, I’d probably be more prepared than I was last year. And that is all I have to say about that.

I’d also like to say that I’m extremely glad this weekend is a 3 dayer. It’s really the only thing that’s gotten me through this week. I need to try to be productive in some way. I remember the last time I had a long weekend I didn’t do a damn thing. I think some long bike rides will be in order since the weather looks decent. I’d really like to go camping because I love camping and I miss camping, but I have no camping gear. I’ve been thinking about having an 80’s movie marathon weekend. It’s come to my attention that there are SEVERAL bad 80s movies I haven’t seen and I just don’t feel right about this. I could technically scrapbook and watch the movies at the same time. Two birds, one stone. The only problem with this is that the chain video stores around here don’t carry movies made before 1990 and that seriously cramps my style. I miss the ghetto small hometown video stores.

I have nothing important to really say. I’m just typing out loud — obviously trying to avoid a little work and waiting for the right time to go spy on my construction worker men.

May 22, 2007, 2:49 pm
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I have had the weirdest day today. I’ve had the most random encounters (not THOSE encounters) and they keep coming…on the hour, every hour. I’m almost scared to go meet this man tonight that my coworker is setting me up with. I’m not sure I can handle any more crazy.

May 17, 2007, 6:59 pm
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I have a seriously new hardcore crush. John Rich of Big & Rich.  I didn’t really care for them before, but after hearing their song “Lost in this Moment” a while ago, I’m a small fan. The other night I saw them on the CMA’s — yes, I watched the Country Music Awards, and they sang their new song with John Legend. It pretty much made me melt and fall in love with him.

He’s the lead singer in the cowboy hat. rawrrrr.

Now onto the the finales of the Office and Grey’s.


April 30, 2007, 11:35 am
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I love this commercial.

Two Lips
April 23, 2007, 2:55 pm
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I made the trek to the Tulip Festival once again. I had a wonderful time (by myself, naturally) and got in and out before the crowds became too large and annoying, and before I was forced to bust any kneecaps.

Here are a few of my favorites. More can be found in this set on my Flickr page.

Chasing Rabbits
April 11, 2007, 9:20 am
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Hey Peeps.

I’m delighted to say that Saturday’s race went really well. I started off feeling excellent and set my eyes on a guy in front of me to help pace myself. Apparently this is called “chasing a rabbit.” Anyway…I ended up passing this guy at the 1st mile mark… it was fun while it lasted. I told myself I could stop to take a quick break at the 2.5 mile mark. It came and went and I was still feeling swell, so I said…okay, the 3 mile mark then. The 3 mile happened right as we were routed right back on the road, so I thought…nah…I’ll keep going. Then I hit the 4 mile mark and told myself there’s no way I’m stopping  in the last mile. With about a half mile left I started to really feel it. My pace slowed down, my legs were wobbly, I was sweating profusely, dying of thirst, and on and on. Once I rounded a corner I could see the finish line and knew I was in the final stretch. Let me tell you…that was the longest damn final stretch ever. And then of course there were the spectators on the side lines yelling encouraging things like, “WAY TO GO!! ALMOST THERE!!” And all I could think was…”shut the hell up you lazy ass standing on the side with your mocha and donut!” I finally crossed the finish line with a time of 56’10”. Tears started welling up in my eyes because I couldn’t believe I actually did it. Holla to me! Anyway, it was a great run.

I’m thinking about doing a 10k in June or so. I have to actually find one…but I’m sure there’s gotta be at least one happening around here during the month. I’ve decided by the end of the year I’m going to complete a half marathon.

In an effort to be more financially smart, I’ve decided to hold off on Allez for another year. By the time I get all the accessories I need for it, it’ll be about a $1000 investment. Yikes. Next year he will be mine. Oh yes, oh yes.

I’m also kicking around the idea of starting swimming again. It’s been difficult finding a pool since we moved to the Eastside. I mean, there are plenty of pools, but they average about $50 a month. Yikes.

So, anyway…that’s about all the news for now. There will be some glorious road trip action happening this weekend and I’m highly anticipating it. Open road, here I come!