A Thousand Words

Snow Daze
November 29, 2006, 10:47 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Good Morning people of the internets.

It’s been a while since I’ve adressed you. So, everyone (two people) stop saying “Enough of SHELLS THE BUILDER!!” I’ve been keeping busy with the new house, roommates, work, deciding I’m going to back to Maui in February, exercising, and then not exercising, crafting projects, meeting mens from the internet, etc.

Last week Michele, Heidi and I hosted Thanksgiving at our new place. This was an adjustment for me because the past 5 years I had eaten chicken nuggets, ice cream and generally hung out by myself on Thanksgiving. As we began our preparations I soon realized it was best to keep my mouth shut regarding all suggestions for the dinner. Cheesy mashed potatoes? NO!!! Ham? ARE YOU KIDDING ME – YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!!! OH NO YOU DIDDDDN’T!! Chicken Nuggets? YOU ARE NOT WELCOME AT OUR TABLE IF YOU BRING CHICKEN NUGGETS.

We had a lot of fun cooking/baking/cleaning/decorating. I made my very first pie, which from now on will be called: “Shells’ semi world famous chocolate fudge brownie pie.” Heids made 5 different pies and we spent about 20 minutes trying to get the meringue to peak on the lemon pie. We eventually just peaked it ourselves and it turned out beautifully. Buck spent a lot of time on the table, making it look perfect. We even had to make an early morning day of Thanksgiving Fred Meyer run to get some actual nice plates. We also had our very own electrical fire as I was trying to make mashed potatoes. I am thankful the house didn’t burn down. In the end, everyone had a great time. See?


more photos on flickr.

So, anyway. That was that. Monday night brought a whole new level of entertainment. Round abouts 5:30 it started snowing. This is semi-exciting in Seattle because it never snows. For those of you who watched Monday Night Football, when the Seahawks crushed the flippin’ Packers (yessssssss), you probably saw Qwest Field all littered with snow. Being the midwestern girl that I am, two or three inches of snow doesn’t even phase me. That is certainly not true for Seattle-ites. Essentially the whole city shut down because the hills were too dangerous to be driving on, it was getting icy, and there were only a handful of snowplows to take care of the mess. It took some people 8 (EIGHT) hours to get home Monday night after they left work. Many people just abandoned their cars and walked home because it was faster. Yep. Crazy.

All of the schools were closed yesterday and my boss told me to stay home so as to avoid “the elements.” Haha, right. A random Tuesday off was a wonderful thing. After Thanksgiving I had worked on my Christmas cards. These had turned into the biggest pain in the ass craft project I had ever done. They can be considered the most high maintenance, tedious, annoying card that I will ever do. Anyway, I had finished them up over the weekend and wanted to make some miscellaneous cards for my mom as a Christmas gift. The craft table/room was already a mess, so I figured I may as well. I finally finished them yesterday afternoon and am very pleased with each card. I’ll post some pictures of them later. The schools were closed once again today but I came to work anyway. I was a little late because my doors were frozen shut and I had to crawl through my hatchback and kick open the doors. But you know, it’s how I roll.

Anyway, so then yesterday after our respective crafting projects, Buck and I moved on to the next project. I can’t go into great detail with it, because I don’t want Homedog to find out what exactly I’ve been up to. She ruins all Christmas gift ideas! Love you sis!! So, I will only leave you with this:

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Woop Woop! We had so much FUN-A!!! I LOVE CRAFTIN’-A!!!

Comment by truecolors24

SISTER! I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! are we all getting shelves and ducks for xmas??! I’m going to call mom and tell her! And I do not ruin all the suprises!

Comment by Homedog

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