A Thousand Words

Ratted out.
August 8, 2007, 11:19 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I just had one of the most unusual calls.
“Blah, blah, blah, charity, you’ve been arrested and we’re serving you papers to lock you up at a local downtown restaurant for a day to help raise money for a charity. The person that ratted you out said you were caring and compassionate and would be a good fit for jail. The firefighters will come pick you up and once you’ve served your time and raised enough money for charity they will drop you off.”

I was kind of confused the entire conversation. Caring and compassionate my ass, I had to politely decline as I couldn’t just miss an entire day of work, even if it were charity, and Lord knows how long it would have taken me to raise enough money. So then I went ahead and gave them the name and number of someone I think would be a good fit for charity jail. I was extremely tempted to ask if the Firefighters could still come pick me up and drive me around for a while.

Well, gym guy has proven to be extra pushy. I saw him at the gym and tried to avoid eye contact with him until the last possible moment and then I agreed to go to the movies with him sometime this weekend. I can’t help it. Since then he basically invited himself to a Vikings game I may or may not be going to, and also, do I know if there’s any room on the dock for him to put his 18′ sport boat? gag.

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My boss made me do that a few years ago. I never was allowed to “beg” for money when I was a kid so I just went there, ate and did nothing for a few hours… Just got out of work.

Comment by Orlando

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